Sunday 13 October 2024

Summer Can Be A Difficult Time For Self-Image. Here’s What Can Help

Self-image is a very important component of how emotionally healthy we are able to live our lives. It influences the way people think others see them, as well as the worth we assign ourselves. The summer season can provide some additional obstacles for a person’s self-image, since it can trigger unrealistic or unhealthy expectations of what we should look like, especially since people often dress with less layers and feel more body-conscious. This is difficult to navigate, but Los Angeles therapy can be a very helpful way to deal with self-image issues.

Self-Acceptance Of Body Image
summer self-imageLos Angeles can be a difficult city for your self-image for a variety of reasons. On one hand, it’s a city where those already pervasive unrealistic standards that you see in the media are heightened and a lot more present in our everyday lives. On top of that, it’s hot. It can be warm much of the year, but particularly during the summer. The high temperatures make it necessary to wear less clothes, but that can come with a significant downside for people who aren’t too happy with the way they look. This is why, now that summer is in full swing again, it’s a good idea to find different ways to repair or increase the self-acceptance of one’s body image.

Adopting Habits That Help
More often than not, the response to having dissatisfaction with our own body is simply to exercise and eat healthier. These are, on principle, good and necessary habits to adopt. After all, exercise and a good diet are very important factors of a healthy lifestyle. Incorporating these into your daily routine certainly can make you feel better in general. However, you can do both of those things and still feel insecure about your own body. Especially when the time comes to go to the beach or the pool or in general. Factors such as genetic predisposition, ability to stay on track with exercising and/or eating healthy, your natural body type, and negative experiences regarding how you look aren’t exactly things you have control over.

For example, growing up feeling overweight or underweight, or having had glasses, braces, or acne, etc. could have hurt your self-image in your own eyes or if you were negatively treated because of how you looked. This is why it’s so important to incorporate healthy habits into your life such as exercising and eating correctly, but also to actively work on healing and correcting the way we see and feel about our own self-image if it is inaccurate or overly negative.

Gaining An Accurate Sense Of Self
The best way to improve one’s own self-image is to learn how to perceive oneself realistically and, most importantly, empathetically. You need to be kind to yourself and as non-judgmental as possible to have a better chance of believing in a more realistic idea of what your body can look like and cherishing that to gain a more positive sense of self. This is not easy, for it involves unlearning behaviors and preconceived notions of what a “good enough” body looks like. These expectations are everywhere, especially in a place like Los Angeles. That is why it’s often a good idea to seek out a therapist who can help you navigate this journey as effectively as possible.

Los Angeles Therapy
Therapy is a very useful resource for plenty of different reasons. Therapy can help people learn how to gain a new perspective on what they have or are currently going through. It can also provide you with different ways to approach your situation and gain new insight into where you can go from there. These are some of the ways Dr. Yvonne Thomas, Ph.D. is here to assist. With over twenty years of practice, Dr. Thomas is ready to help you on your journey to a healthier self-image and self-acceptance. For more information on how she can work with you, request an appointment through her website or give her a call at (310) 359-9450.

Strengthen Your Love Relationship with Couples Therapy

While flowers, chocolates, and a fancy dinner can make you feel great, it won’t guarantee healthy relationships. Los Angeles Psychologist Dr. Yvonne Thomas highlights a few reasons you may be feeling emotionally distant from your significant other and how you can work to strengthen your relationship with her services.

Communication Problems Often Decrease The Quality Of Love Relationships
Couples struggle with issues related to communication.  Whether there is difficulty expressing thoughts, feelings, and needs.  There can be a lot of emotional damage and disconnection in relationships.

Financial Stressors Can Cause Tension Between You And Your Significant Other
Financial stressors are one of the biggest challenges to couples for many reasons.  They can take a huge toll on confidence levels and cause tension to build up. Passive-aggressive comments about finances build up and lead to bigger issues.  In couples therapy, learning to communicate with your partner as a team are some key factors to a healthy relationship.  

Sexual Stressors Can Lead To Upset And Confusion
Los Angeles Psychologist Dr. Yvonne Thomas has many years of experience working with clients who are experiencing strain in their sexual relationship as well. Problems with the sexual aspect of a relationship can drive a wedge between couples and turn small problems into bigger ones.  It can be tough acknowledging and accepting that your relationship needs help when it comes to sex.

Talking with Dr. Thomas about the issues you are experiencing can open up the conversation in a healthy way. By doing couples therapy you can identify issues and work through them with her to have a healthier, happier relationship.

Of course, these are just a few examples of common stressors in love relationships.  Dr. Thomas can help you through many other forms of relationship distress, as well. Take advantage of her free, 15-minute phone consultation.  Call her today at (310) 359-9450 or you can e-mail her through the Request An Appointment portal on her website at

Turning Over A New Leaf In Life Now That Fall Is Approaching

Fall has often been seen as a season for change. Similar to spring, the fall represents a transition between the seasons. However, while spring comes with ideas of rebirth and renewal, fall can be a time of new beginnings and possibilities. Here, you can see how it can be very helpful to work with a therapist in Los Angeles to use the fall season as a catalyst for change.

Welcoming The Change Brought By The Fall

We know that the fall means that you go from the sunshine and the excitement of summer to cooler weather and leaves changing before winter sets in.   Fall can be seen as an opportunity for change and a season for starting new things or adding to your life.

Turning Over A New Leaf

Labor Day is coming up and, along with it, the start of new semesters, new seasonal jobs, and new possibilities. These can bring a lot of changes along with them. Maybe you are starting a new college program that will radically change the pace of your life. Perhaps, after a summer of family activities, you’ll get some more time for yourself while your kids return to school. Maybe you are looking at a new opportunity to implement changes in your life that you might have been putting off until now. Temperatures are getting lower, those walks out of your home are more comfortable, and you can take a look at how your year is going so far and the new opportunities you have.

Learning How To Make The Most Of The Season

New beginnings in life don’t work like they do in the movies. You don’t just suddenly decide to implement change and immediately enjoy a new beginning. In real life, it’s all a lot more gradual than that. There’s a reason we’re posting this ahead of that. We want to encourage you to start identifying the different ways in which you can take the next few months to make changes. If you know that changes are due but are unsure about what they should be or how to implement them, a therapist can help you navigate this process.

Reach Out To A Therapist In Los Angeles

Therapy is a very useful resource for plenty of different reasons. For one thing, it’s a good way for you to get a new perspective on what you’re going through. It can also provide you with different ways to approach your situation and gain new insight into where you can go from there. These are some of the things that Dr. Yvonne Thomas, Ph.D. is here to help with. With over twenty years of experience, Dr. Thomas is ready to help you on your journey to a healthier and happier life. For more information on how she can assist you, request an appointment through her website or give her a call at (310) 359-9450.

Monday 15 July 2024

Are You Facing Life After Graduation? Understand Why You May Feel Confused About How To Navigate This Life Transition

College prepares you for a wide variety of things: getting started in your field, understanding the basics of your industry, and developing skill sets that will come in use for the future. However, college doesn’t always give you the tools to handle the transition into post-academic life. Let’s take a closer look at what this transition looks like and how a therapist in Los Angeles can help.

Entering The Non-Student Life

Whether you are graduating from an undergraduate or a graduate program, it may be difficult to begin your post-student life. After all, you’ve been in an academic environment, perhaps even non-stop, since you were a kid. It’s understandable that you may feel nervous, uneasy, or overwhelmed about this; after all, it is a pretty significant transition. You are no longer going to have the structure of an academic institution to help you with your time management, nor will you have people whose job is to make sure you get your work done. A good way to deal with your concerns or distress is to maintain a sense of self-discipline, even during times of uncertainty. Find ways to organize your time, your tasks, and your personal time so that you have a healthy balance in your life.

Building A Sense Of Community

An often under-discussed aspect of life after college is the lack of an immediate community. While you’re going to school, you are constantly interacting with fellow classmates in academic and social environments. It’s likely that they live nearby, and you might have gotten together with them often. Most importantly, there is a sense of community on and off campus, where you can rely on fellow students and faculty in times of stress or difficulty. Graduating means that you might not find that immediate sense of community as easily. This is why it’s a good idea to keep in touch with your friends. Check in on them and make sure that they know they can count on you going forward. Hopefully, that will that be reciprocated, so that you will be able to carry these friendships into the so-called real world.

Moving On To Higher Education

Not everyone who graduates, of course, is moving on to non-academic life. Some people might be entering yet another stage of their academic journey by starting a graduate or a doctorate program. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the transition itself is any less scary. After all, new programs, new institutions, and new degrees can bring forth with them different challenges and environments. You might even have to move to attend this new program, which can have its own share of difficulties. In situations such as these, it’s good to find comfort in the things that you already know. For example, the general academic structure, the friends you will still have in the area, and, of course, the goals you have for your career.

Count On The Help Of A Therapist In Los Angeles

Life transitions of any kind can take quite a toll on a person. Whether you are graduating and entering a competitive career field or moving on to a more advanced academic program, it’s normal to feel disoriented and stressed with all the changes you’re facing. At times like these, it’s good to count on some additional help that a therapist in Los Angeles can provide. Psychologist Dr. Yvonne Thomas specializes in helping people dealing with life transitions.
If you would like to learn more about how she can help you through situations like this, you can give Dr. Yvonne Thomas a call at (310) 359-9450 or request an appointment online here on her website.

Los Angeles Psychologist On Ways to Have a Great Summer

As the seasons change you find yourself depressed, sad, and/or anxious. When you’re struggling with your mental health, you need to seek help of a Los Angeles psychologist like Dr. Yvonne Thomas for virtual counseling or in-person counseling in Los Angeles.

With decades of experience, she can help you to develop the kinds of coping mechanisms that can empower you to live how you want regardless of the weather. Below are some of her tips for feeling better this summer.

Make Your Expectations for Summer Reasonable
As the season shifts, many individuals may be rejoicing, exclaiming, “Finally, the warmth I’ve been longing for is here!” Simultaneously, there might be others musing, “Why am I confined within this office while the sunbeams so brilliantly outside?” The harsh reality of life’s duties, it would seem. It is understandable that this can be frustrating sometimes.

That can be a lot of pressure to have “the best summer ever,” or something similar to that. Try something new. Or, consider some leniency to adjust your routines slightly. Perhaps stepping out from work a bit earlier on a Friday to savor the sunlight at a local park or bask under the sun at a beach. What isn’t always within one’s control is how their bodies naturally respond to these seasonal changes.

It’s common to feel a bit more depressed when spring becomes summer or, really, when there’s any seasonal change. It is commonly observed that clients report a decrease in emotional wellness during these seasonal shifts. At the same time, there are clients who express feelings of sudden joy and heightened moods during summer.

While this mood enhancement can serve as an energizing break following the dreary winter and the spring downpours, it can also be difficult when the urge to relish in the open air and the incessant yearning to engage in limitless outdoor activities becomes overwhelming.

Reality check: it is not possible to do everything. That can make your anxiety worse, trying to do everything you could want and failing to do so. A good idea: make a list. Make a list of what you want to do this summer. Then, stick to it. Make it happen.  

Make Sure “Get Enough Sleep” is On Your Summer To-Do List, Too
Significantly impacting overall health, sleep patterns warrant careful evaluation. Scrutinize your sleep habits. Are you sleeping excessively? Or, are you maybe sleeping insufficiently? Is there an increased frequency of naps? Or perhaps, are you sacrificing sleep to partake in late-night summer activities?

That’s fine once in a while, when there’s something particularly fun and/or important going on, sure. But, doing it time and time again can wear you down.

Balance in sleep schedules is vital to avoid summer fatigue. Remember: as age progresses, recovery speed decreases. Disrupted sleep patterns can induce lethargy, hampering alertness and effectiveness in day-to-day tasks. Of course, a lack of sleep can exacerbate your depression and anxiety as well.

Hydrate Properly All Summer Long
Adequate hydration is always important, but particularly so during the sweltering Southern California summer. “Hydration” does not imply escalating coffee, beer, or soda consumption. Instead, it’s about abundant water intake, especially during seasonal changes (or heat waves). Optimum hydration allows the body to adapt more efficiently to elevated temperatures and increased activity levels. For those with a preference for alcohol or caffeinated beverages, upping water intake becomes all the more essential.

Schedule a Free Consultation With a Los Angeles Psychologist Today
It’s important to maintain balance this summer. Practice self-love and lean on the community for nourishment and support. After all, the ultimate goal in every season should be to achieve comprehensive well-being, encompassing the physical, mental, and social aspects. Remain open to change, be flexible with routines, and remember to heed your body’s signals. No matter what season it is, therapy can help. Schedule a free consultation with Dr. Thomas through the site or by calling.

Benefits of Professional Grief Counseling

Reaching out to a psychologist for grief counseling after you’ve lost someone can provide many benefits. Dr. Yvonne Thomas has been providing pro grief counseling in Los Angeles for decades. There are many ways that grief counseling can help. Dr. Thomas can help you through essentially every step of the grieving process.  

Centering You

It is entirely normal to experience a multitude of emotions after a loss. However, realizing the ability to manage these emotions can be incredibly empowering. Grief therapy nurtures this understanding, helping you to feel hopeful even in the face of loss and change.

Other benefits of grief counseling include equipping individuals with strategies to regain their life’s control. Grief often induces elevated stress and anxiety levels, distorting one’s perception and inducing feelings of being lost. However, grief counseling can act as a compass guiding through the storm, assisting individuals to reclaim their life’s control. Rather than repressing symptoms, grief therapy bolsters resilience, empowering individuals to face life’s adversities.

React Better to Life Changes

Grief or less of any kind can bring significant, unwanted changes to your life (at the risk of understatement). Adapting to these changes can be a daunting task, but grief counseling creates a pathway towards acceptance and personal growth. It offers support while exploring new roles and responsibilities and provides a myriad of methods to adapt to the changing environment. Plus, these also aid in refining communication abilities. Articulating thoughts and feelings clearly allows those around to offer significant and supportive assistance during challenging periods.

Grief can result in a divide in relationships, making connections hard to maintain. However, through therapy, it is possible to discover what it would take to reestablish these connections, restoring and enriching relationships that might have suffered. That doesn’t mean that this automatically can happen or will happen. Rather, it means that you can have the tools necessary to live how you want.

Re-Connecting You to Your Life

Suffering a significant loss can often cause a sense of disconnection from the world. Therapy can help you articulate your emotional status, particularly when those around you struggle to understand your pain. Remember, you’re not alone in your grief, and a professional grief counselor can act as a supportive ally in your unique journey towards healing.

Initially, grief counseling can act as a vital compass, aiding in understanding and navigating the complex facets of grief. The five stages of grief—denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance are, for the most part, experienced by all. That said, remember:these stages might not always follow a sequential pattern and can differ dramatically from one person to the next.

A Safe Place to Start the Next Phase of Your Life

Grief counseling offers a refuge—a secure environment permitting free expression of emotions. There are no wrong or misplaced feelings. With the unpredictability of the grief timeline often extending to years, having a safe haven for emotional expression is vital.

Another noteworthy benefit of grief counseling is the coping strategies and tools Dr. Thomas can provide. This can guide individuals through the maze of intense emotions that follow grief. She can help you to develop coping mechanisms that can manage feelings of anxiety, stress, and depression that frequently occur after a loss.

Grief therapy helps individuals attain an enhanced degree of self-awareness—a valuable skill that provides a better understanding of feelings and emotions. This increased self-awareness can enable the identification and modification of ineffective or harmful thinking patterns that may cause emotional distress.

One of the hardest stages to traverse in grief is acceptance. Therapy can be an instrumental tool that helps individuals confront the harsh reality of their loss. However, it’s crucial to comprehend that acceptance does not imply forgetting the loved one or finding peace with their departure. It only denotes learning to exist in the new reality that follows a loss.

Even the act of reaching out for counseling can diminish the often-felt isolation accompanying grief. It provides a comforting presence, validates feelings, and provides understanding when the surrounding world appears alienating. A grief counselor can assist in reinforcing the idea that individual feelings are neither incorrect nor abnormal, a critical step towards healing.

Grief Counseling in Los Angeles with Dr. Yvonne Thomas

Professional grief counseling offers numerous benefits, all of which contribute to well-rounded healing and personal growth. It provides you with the tools, knowledge, and support, enabling you to regain control of your life and navigate through your grief with resilience and strength. Remember, it’s never an act of weakness to seek help; instead, it’s a testament to your strength, resilience, and desire for a healthier, happier life.

The right therapy can help. Schedule a free consultation with Dr. Thomas through this site or by calling.

Friday 9 February 2024

Los Angeles Therapist on Ways to Feel Better Right Now

Have you been feeling “down” and don’t know why? Does it seem like no matter how good things might be, you can’t shake a persistent feeling of negativity? If so, you certainly aren’t alone. If it feels like you’ve tried to improve, tried to feel better, and nothing has worked, there is help and there is hope. Dr. Yvonne Thomas, an experienced Los Angeles therapist, has helped many to better navigate life’s challenges through therapy.

That said, sometimes, there are little things you can do in the course of a day when you’re feeling down to pick yourself up.

Tune In, Tune Out
Need a break from the chaos? Plug in your earbuds and escape into the world of your favorite tunes. It’s possible that altering the tempo can tailor your emotional experience. A slower rhythm for relaxation or a heavy, throbbing beat to work through anger—customize your playlist for a personalized mood lift. You can do this whether you’re at the gym, on the bus, in the car, at your desk, etc.

Don’t Ignore Lights, Color, and More
Harsh overhead lighting can intensify stress and irritation. Switch on a softer desk lamp to create a more soothing ambiance. The gentle glow can work wonders in calming your nerves and creating a more comfortable workspace. If possible, try to infuse your surroundings with the warmth of yellow and orange. Whether it’s a vibrant outfit or a bouquet of flowers, surrounding yourself with these colors can evoke a sense of happiness.

Obviously, this won’t solve all of your problems, but it can make you feel a bit better when you’re having a rough go of it.

Happy Place Visualization: It Really Can Work
Close your eyes and transport yourself to your happy place, whether it’s a tropical beach or your childhood bedroom. Dr. Thomas has found that visualizing a cherished location can significantly improve your mood by changing your mental scenery. If you can’t exactly visualize that in the moment, reminisce about a past enjoyable encounter. That could work, too.

Give Yourself A Small Break (or Breaks) Throughout the Day
You’re busy. You work hard. If you can, step outside for a natural mood reset. Whether it’s enjoying lunch in a nearby park or lying on the grass in your backyard, exposure to nature can help your emotional as well as your physical health. If you can’t get away from work to do that, when you can, take a deep breath. Inhale slowly for five seconds, then exhale for five. It doesn’t have to take long to give yourself a boost.

Long-Lasting Help from an Experienced Los Angeles Therapist
One thing you can always work on to make yourself feel better: is being kind and compassionate to yourself. You don’t have to go through what you’re going through alone. In moments of need, seeking assistance from an experienced therapist like Dr. Thomas can be a crucial step toward self-care and emotional well-being.

As we navigate the complexities of life, weaving little boosts into our daily interactions can become a transformative force. For better, more positive, and healthier ways to navigate life’s challenges day after day, schedule a complimentary free consultation with Dr. Thomas through the site or by calling.